About Me

After living in Kodiak,Alaska for 18 years and Sequim, Washington for almost an equal amount of time I have landed in Battle Ground,Washington. I live close to my daughter Renae and for the past three years, my mother-in-law, Lucille, has been living with me. The highlight of my life?? Being a Grandma!! Just wish I could be close to all 11 grandchildren.

Gallery of Inspirations


I've started selling some of my photos--as you can see from the examples above, they are called my "Gallery of Inspirations". I started creating them for my own pleasure and then thought that maybe, with just the right photo and just the right saying, they might bring a little encouragement, comfort, or happiness into the lives of others.

In order for you to obtain exactly what you want, my photos can be purchased with or without a saying printed on them, or you can request one of your own favorite quotes to be added to any of the photos. They are available matted or matted and framed.

Email me for more information at nmanthey14@msn.com or check out my Etsy account at www.galleryofinspiration.etsy.com

Quotes and Sayings

Home and Family
1. A truly happy marriage is one in which a woman gives the best years of her life to the man who made them the best
2. There is beauty all around when there’s love at home
3. The best gift you can give a child is love
4. It doesn’t matter where you roam; it’s always nice to be home.
5. The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother
6. Grow old with me! The best is yet to come
7. Giggles, secrets, sometimes tears--sisters & friends through the years
8. Loving hearts make a loving home
9. There’s no place like home--except Grandma’s

10. A mother is all those wonderful things you never outgrow your need for
11. A family stitched with love ..... seldom unravels
12. A mother holds her childrens hand for awhile but their hearts forever
13. Families are Forever
14. A father is someone you look up to, no matter how tall you get.
15. The greatest gift I ever had, It came from God, I call him Dad.
16. A mother’s love is a cherished thing; a sunny day, a flower in spring


1. Where one door shuts another opens
2. A smile is a curved line that sets things straight
3. You cannot prevent the birds of sadness from passing over your head, but you can prevent their making nests in your hair
4. There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting someone up
5. Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle
6. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have
7. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way
8. Skillful sailors never learn their skill on a calm sea
9. Shadows mean the sun is still shining
10. Find peace in the gifts of the present moment
11. I will look for joy this day
12. My day will be as good as I make it
13. Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower
14. Seeds of discouragement will not grow in the thankful heart
15. The gift of happiness belongs to those who unwrap it
16. Climb as though you were to live forever. Live as though you were to die tomorrow.
17. A contented man is one who enjoys the scenery along the detours
18. It takes both the sun and the rain to make a rainbow.
19. The weather of your heart determines the climate of your day
20. It is the set of your sail that determines your destination...not the storms of life
21. Some people grin and bear it; others smile and do it

1. He who has ceased to pray has lost a great friendship
2. Sorrow is a fruit; God does not make it grow on limbs to weak to bear it
3. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
4. Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden
5. Prayer should be the key of the morning and the lock of the night

6. The rainbow of God’s promises is always above the trials and storms of life

7. Life is fragile--handle with prayer


1. Dear friends are never forgotten. They live within your heart
2. A friend is one who loves you as you are
3. Some people touch our lives only briefly...while others leave a lasting impression and are never forgotten
4. We have been friends together in sunshine and shade
5. A friend is one who knows all about you and won’t go away
6. A good friend is one who comes in when the whole world goes out
7. Our lives are filled with simple joys and blessings without end, and one of the greatest joys in life is to have a friend
8. Friendship is God’s most perfect gift
9. You’ll always be my best friend, you know too much.
10. I walked into the heart of a friend and found a home


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